Vacancy in the President's Office

A vacancy in the President’s office can occur in any of the following ways:

1. On the expiry of his tenure of five years.
2. By his resignation.
3. On his removal by the process of impeachment.
4. By his death (So far two Presidents, Dr Zakir Hussain and Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, have died during their term of office.).
5. Otherwise, for example, when he becomes disqualified to hold office or when his election is
declared void.

When the vacancy is going to be caused by the expiration of the term of the sitting President, an
election to fill the vacancy must be held before the expiration of the term. In case of any delay in
conducting the election of new President by any reason, the outgoing President continues to hold
office (beyond his term of five years) until his successor assumes charge. This is provided by the
Constitution in order to prevent an ‘interregnum’. In this situation, the Vice-President does not get the
opportunity to act as President or to discharge the functions of the President.

If the office falls vacant by resignation, removal, death or otherwise, then election to fill the vacancy
should be held within six months from the date of the occurrence of such a vacancy. The newly elected President remains in office for a full term of five years from the date he assumes charge of his

When a vacancy occurs in the office of the President due to his resignation, removal, death or
otherwise, the Vice-President acts as the President until a new President is elected. Further, when the
sitting President is unable to discharge his functions due to absence, illness or any other cause, the
Vice-President discharges his functions until the President resumes his office.

In case the office of Vice-President is vacant, the Chief Justice of India (or if his office is also vacant,
the seniormost judge of the Supreme Court available) acts as the President or discharges the functions
of the President (For example, when President Dr Zakir Hussain died in May, 1969, the then Vice-President, VV Giri was acting as the President. Soon after VV Giri resigned to contest the election of the President. Then the Chief Justice of India, M Hidayatullah worked as the officiating President
from 20 July, 1969 to 24 August, 1969.).

When any person, ie, Vice-President, chief justice of India, or the seniormost judge of the Supreme
Court is acting as the President or discharging the functions of the President, he enjoys all the powers
and immunities of the President and is entitled to such emoluments, allowances and privileges as are
determined by the Parliament.

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