Types of Bills in Parliament

Bills introduced in the Parliament are of two kinds: public bills and private bills (also known as government bills and private members’ bills respectively). Though both are governed by the same general procedure and pass through the same stages in the House, they differ in various respects as shown in following table:

Public Bill Private Bill
Introduced in the parliament by a minister Introduced by any member of parliament other than minister
It reflects the policies of the government (ruling party) It reflects the stand of opposition party on public matter.
It has greater chance to be approved by parliament. It has lesser chance to be approved by parliament.
Its rejection in the house amounts to the expression of want of parliamentary confidence in the government and may lead to its resignation. Its resignation by the house has no implication on the parliamentary confidence in the government or its resignation.
Its introduction in the house requires 7 days' notice. Its introduction in the house requires 1 month's notice.
It is drafted by the concerned department in consultation with the law department. Its drafting is the responsibility of the member concerned.

The bills introduced in the Parliament can also be classified into four categories:

  1. Ordinary bills : which are concerned with any matter other than financial subjects.
  2. Money bills : which are concerned with the financial matters like taxation, public expenditure, etc.
  3. Financial bills : which are also concerned with financial matters (but are different from money bills).
  4. Constitution amendment bills : which are concerned with the amendment of the provisions of the Constitution.

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