Integrated Judiciary

Unlike the American Constitution, the Indian Constitution has established an integrated hierarchical judicial system with the Supreme Court at the top and the high courts below it. Under a high court (and below the state level), there is a hierarchy of subordinate courts, that is, district courts and other lower courts. This single system of courts, adopted from the Government of India Act of 1935, enforces both Central laws as well as the state laws.

In USA, on the other hand, the federal laws are enforced by the federal judiciary and the state laws are enforced by the state judiciary. There is thus a double system of courts in USA—one for the centre and the other for the states.

  • In Integrated judicial system, the decisions made by higher courts are binding on the lower courts. All the lower courts from the Gram Panchayat to the High Courts are integrated into the Supreme Court of India. The integration is through the appellate system existing in the Indian Constitution. Any person can appeal to a higher court if they believe that the judgement passed by the lower court is not just.

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