73rd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992

The act is a significant landmark in the evolution of grass root democratic institutions in the country. It transfers the representative democracy into participatory democracy.
  1. Changes in Constitution
    • The act added Part-IX to the Constitution of India, with the title 'The Panchayats', (Articles 243 to 243 O)
    • The act added Eleventh Schedule to the Constitution. This schedule contains 29 functional items of the panchayats. It deals with Article 243-G.
  2. Constitutionalisation of Panchayati Raj Institutions
    • Gave a practical shape to the Directive Principle in Article 40.
    • state governments got under constitutional obligation to adopt the new Panchayati Raj system in accordance with the provisions of the act. It no longer depended on the state's will.

  3. Two kinds of provisions
    • Compulsary (must be  included in the state laws creating the new panchayati raj system)
    • Voluntary (to  ensures the right of the states to take local factors like geographical, politico–administrative and others, into consideration while adopting the new Panchayati Raj system)

  4. Salient Features of the Panchayati Raj implemented by 73rd Amendment
    • Gram Sabha
    • Three Tier System
    • Direct Elections for the Members of Panchayat, Indirect Elections for chairpersons of Panchayat, 
    • Reservation of seats for SC-ST and women
    • Five year term
    • State Election Commission
    • Finance Commission

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